North West Private Hospital

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies North West Private Hospital. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and hospital. You can find North West Private Hospital at 137 Flockton Street, Everton Park, Queensland 4053.


Postal address:
137 Flockton Street, Everton Park, Queensland 4053
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Phone number:
+61 7 3246 3133

Official website:

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about North West Private Hospital

  • Heather Johns
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Overall experience for my good friend was terrible after surgery. She had a cyst removed in her throat and the drain snapped and was taped on. The doctor wasn't told to her knowledge even though he had requested the drain. She heard the nurses discuss it when she was coming out of the anaesthetic. The next day the nurses who removed the drain commented that it wasn't connected up properly and liquid started spurting out through the waterproof dressing then and leaking for the next few days. Nobody even checked on her to see if the drain was still connected after the surgery. Two weeks later, the wound was badly infected and caused her misery for a week. She had no sleep because the fluids drip machine kept beeping constantly every five minutes but they refused to replace it when she asked. On top of that she was outside the nurses station and the nurses were busy so the alarm was going off all night. She was not even asked for a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast. Seriously, who doesn't want a hot drink for breakfast?
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